Honey Mel is back!

Rather you're new here or you're with me since the beginning, I want to invite you to celebrate with me!

Honey Mel started in Las Vegas in June 2020, a month before I found out I was pregnant with my second child.
It was an amazing experience making earrings and adventuring into the world of a small business owner. With the pregnancy, hormones, morning sickness, and then later on giving birth and navigating through those exhausting but amazing first months of connecting with baby and settling into a whole new routine, I wasn't able to prioritize the business so it had multiple pauses. Soon after baby boy was born, we started the process of an international move - from USA to UK. What a roller coaster! 

Adapting to a new country is not something necessarily new to us, we have done it multiple times. However each time brings its own details and challenges, not to mention it was our first time restarting with children, which makes it a brand new experience. 

Finally, after 8 months of settling in, Honey Mel is BACK and better! For the past few months I've been dedicating and investing on creating the brand I've always known Honey Mel could be. It's a work in progress, and I'm loving this journey. I hope you'll join me on it!

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